
It is Regain’s objective to operate in harmony with the surrounding environment, environmental regulations and environmental management expectations of Clients, Customers and the Community.

The environment in which we live and work sustains us and it is our duty to protect it and enhance it.

The Regain solution for Spent Potliner is an innovative model of environmental sustainability that has demonstrated a net positive impact on the environment.

For every tonne of SPL that Regain processes and makes into valuable products, there is a net gain to the environment through reduced emissions and reduced energy consumption. 

Read a Life Cycle Assessment that proves how the manufacture and use of Regain products benefits the environment.

Benefits of Regain's Safe, Sustainable SPL Solution to Communities and the Environment:

  • Reduced hazardous waste to landfill, therefore less risk to groundwater
  • Reduced transport of hazardous waste
  • Reduced Green House Gas emissions
  • No residual materials
  • Safe, detoxified product exiting the smelter
  • Positive overall impact on the environment