
The Tomago Aluminium Smelter is located in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales approximately 20 kilometres north of the city of Newcastle. The Tomago plant was started in 1983 with two potlines for a production of 240,000 tonnes per year. In 1993, a third potline pots was commissioned.

SPL processing has been ongoing at Tomago since 2002, when a demonstration plant was established by Regain to prove that SPL could be transformed into valuable products. The plant has since made strong headway in the elimination of stored SPL, with zero landfill of SPL and 100% SPL processed into valuable downstream products.

Environmental emissions monitoring data for Regain operation at Tomago

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan for the Regain facility at Tomago

Key contacts at the Tomago plant are:

Regain Operations Support Manager
John Cooper
Mob: 0418 341 756

Regain Development Manager
Kevin Cooper
Mob: 0417 556 831
