Clinker Mineralization using Refined By Products from the Aluminium Industry

By: Y.C. Zimmermann and H. Bekker
Regain Services Pty Ltd

Refined by-products from the aluminium industry’s spent pot lining (SPL) waste are a valuable source of fluoride, alkali, alumina and carbon for clinker manufacturing. Fluoride acts as a cost effective mineralizer resulting in an easier clinker burnability that reduces thermal energy consumption and/or promotes higher clinker alite levels. Alkalis allow an increase of the alkali level in clinker which can improve the alkali-sulfur balance and increase the content of soluble alkalis in cement. Alumina can substitute partially other alumina correctives in raw meal or can be employed to increase the portion of aluminate in mineralized clinker. Finally, the carbon fraction of refined by-products from the aluminium industry substitutes fossil fuels in the clinkering process.

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