11th Australasian Aluminium Smelting Technology Conference

Considerations for Dealing With Spent Potlining


The carbon cathode and refractory lining material that is removed from the electrolytic cells (or pots) used in primary aluminum smelting is known as spent potlining (SPL). SPL is hazardous waste material subject to close regulatory control in most jurisdictions and its disposal has proven to be a challenge for the aluminum industry. This paper sets out considerations for dealing with SPL. A review of the chemical reactions that take place during the typical operational life of the lining leads to an overview of the chemical composition of the resultant SPL material and its inherent hazards. Potential safety and environmental risks associated with the SPL hazards are discussed. Issues to be addressed in using SPL as input to downstream industrial processes are examined using cement manufacture as a case study. Life cycle analysis is used to support an approach to optimising the economic use of all of the SPL material thus ensuring its safe and effective disposal. 

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B. Cooper, “Considerations for Dealing with Spent Potlining”, Proc. 11th Australasian Aluminium Smelting Technology Conference, 6-11 Dec 2014, Eds. B Welch, M Skyllas-Kazacos, UNSW School of Chemical Engineering.
